Remembering My Why in High School

I found this Programme for one of our school events during our senior year in high school. I graduated from Holy Family School of Quezon City in 2004. Artifacts like this remind me of my humble beginnings and my lifelong love for public speaking and writing, since I also wrote the script for my hosting gig. It always pays to look back and appreciate where it all began. 🖤

Single, Taken, Or Building My EmpIre

I recently finished reading Single, Taken, Or Building My Empire by “Asia’s Millennial Guru”, Jonathan Yabut. The book centers of love and how it can fuel one’s career to greater heights, while finding the love of your life- or the passion that keeps you alive.

I enjoyed reading this book because I learned how to weigh my options when making decisions about my career. Life outside of work is a different story, but the tips that Jonathan shared in this book are also applicable. For example, he wrote about his heartbreak and how he realized that he was holding on to someone for fear that she could be his last. That fear could also occur in the workplace. He moved on by “improving his own algorithm” through practicing gratitude and reflecting on what he loves. I felt inspired after reading this because I am keen on improving my own algorithm too in order to land a good corporate job someday.

I also want to have better opportunities for myself as an author. Now that I am in the process of publishing my first book, I learned the value of managing my energy, and not just my time from this book. Work-life balance is a choice, so it is up to me to prioritize what matters most.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to make smarter decisions in life and work. Buy this book here and discover the best practices that will make you work smarter, love wiser, and live better!

My 35 Lessons

Today, I am thirty-five. I am grateful to be in good health and to be filled with love. I am aware that tomorrow is not promised, so I will live each day as if it were my last.

Here are the thirty-five lessons I have learned in the past thirty-five years:

  1. Happiness starts with me

  2. Happiness is a daily choice

  3. Peace is more valuable than a fat paycheck

  4. Health is always more important than a lucrative yet unsafe job

  5. Education is the best investment

  6. Writing is the best way to leave a legacy

  7. Journaling works wonders

  8. Reading books really elevates one’s imagination

  9. Working out everyday is an essential form of happiness

  10. Blogging is the best and easiest way to show the world how meaningful my life is

  11. Good food is the beginning of wonderful memories

  12. Travel is a timeless and priceless form of education

  13. Being an only child should not be a source of shame

  14. Knowing how to commute is an essential life skill

  15. Self-care is a daily conscious effort

  16. Prayer is the most pure form of manifestation

  17. Blocking mean people is the start of inner-peace

  18. I should never be guilty for buying books

  19. I should never be guilty for joining workshops

  20. Self-publishing my book is a testament to my own strength and resilience

  21. Reading the Bible in one year will let you appreciate your faith in God more

  22. Volunteering allows me to share my skills to uplift others

  23. Life is too damn short

  24. Done is always better than perfect

  25. Vision boards do work!

  26. Feeling good about myself is the best style statement

  27. Life is not a race

  28. Social media is a way for me to share my life, not to show off or feel insecure about myself

  29. Dreams do come true!

  30. Never give up

  31. I am never too old to have an amazing life

  32. Being kind is better than being nice

  33. Never force yourself to people who do not believe in you

  34. My book is just the beginning

  35. I am going to have a bright future ahead of me!

Thank you to my family and friends for believing in me. Thank you to my partner, Lorenz, for never never giving up on us. Thank you, Lord, for still sustaining me.

Let’s go, thirty-five!

Your Feelings are Valid

Recently, I have been writing on my Your Feelings are Valid journal by Sincerely, Kristine.

It has helped me solve my worries and fears.

I was able to navigate through my emotions and deepest traumas.

I was also able to understand myself better.

I highly recommend this journal, especially now that we are facing many uncertainties. While I am not facing any mental struggle in my life, I must say that psychological first aid has been a valuable resource.

You may buy this journal here. Stay safe, everyone!

Life is Too Short

Today, I finished reading Wake Up, Dreamers by Filipina author AnakniRizal. I first discovered her on Youtube, and instantly became hooked on her vlogs. I enjoy watching her videos because she teaches writing. As someone who is currently in the process of self-publishing my book, I am really inspired by her techniques.

She teaches systems the she has personally tried and tested, and her success speaks for itself. And after reading two of her novels, I have observed that she inserts inspirational and motivational content in her works. Even though I am turning 35 in a few days, I still feel young after reading her books.

Here are some of the lessons that I have learned from reading So, This is Youth and Wake Up, Dreamers by AnakniRizal:

  1. Life is too short

  2. Life is full of possibilities

  3. Education does not end upon graduation

  4. Age is just a number. It is never too late to make things happen for you

  5. Always believe in yourself even if no one else believes in you

  6. Success is following your heart and taking action on your dreams

Please buy Wake Up, Dreamers here and access So, This is Youth here! You will definitely learn a thing or two from these novels and support an up and coming author in the process.

Happy reading!

A Mindful Exercise

Today, I was assigned to perform A Mindful Exercise on my BDJ Spark Your Magic Workbook.

Here was the assignment:

”Exercise is defined as a process carried out with effort in order to achieve a specific purpose of sustaining or improving health. There are no shortcuts in exercising. This is work that needs to be done to unleash your magic. List what you can do to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health…and commit to them.”

And here are my answers:


  • Drink 8 glasses of water everyday

  • Get 6-8 hours of sleep every night

  • Workout everyday


  • Read the Bible everyday

  • Use a gratitude journal

  • Journal everyday


  • Post blog entries at least once a week

  • Listen to at least one podcast episode each day

  • Crochet everyday

  • Talk to my partner more about current events

  • Commute once a week

I have been practicing most of these already, so I am off to a good start! It is understandable that there should be room for allowances due to the pandemic. However, I am determined to commit to practicing all of these for my own good!

Here’s to a more mindful way of living!

21 Things I Learned (So Far) In 2021

I was in shock when I realized that it is already the middle of the year. It seemed only yesterday that we were celebrating the New Year. Now, we only have six months to go before the year ends!

Before the rest of the year passes us by, allow me to share the twenty-one things I have learned so far in 2021:

  1. Walking is more sustainable than running

  2. A reusable tumbler is the first step towards saving money

  3. It is more fulfilling to save than spend money

  4. Investing in solid gold is wiser than spending on branded costume jewelry

  5. There are valuable life lessons to be learned in The Book of Job

  6. Keeping your blog regularly updated will work wonders in marketing yourself

  7. It is never too late to reinvent yourself

  8. it is never too late to get used to the taste of black coffee

  9. Journaling is a cheap and effective way to solve your own problems

  10. Prayer works when you take action on your hopes and dreams

  11. Discussing red flags early on will help your relationship thrive

  12. Working out in the morning instead of at night will cure insomnia

  13. Most arguments stem from insecurities. Work on yourself everyday

  14. Investing in quality pajamas will allow you to have more productive days at home

  15. Drinking enough water cures most headaches, at least in my case

  16. Driving and commuting while listening to podcasts will allow me to learn something new each day

  17. Journaling prompts only work when you have the willingness to learn

  18. Talking to service providers, and not just treating them as transactional agents, will give you better service

  19. Visit your late loved ones often and regularly reflect on their lives

  20. Take lots of photographs

  21. Always give love a chance

My lessons so far have helped me:

  • Heal from a breakup

  • Give love another chance

  • Begin a new relationship

  • Be productive at home

  • Recover from insomnia

  • Journal everyday

  • Learn more each day

  • Maximize my time

  • Stay fit and healthy

I hope that my simple life lessons have helped you reflect on the past six months and look forward to the next half of the year. We all have areas of improvement to work on, so never get discouraged! Let us all keep on growing, learning, and thriving.

God bless us all!

Finish Line

I recently completed an important project, and it felt fantastic. I celebrated this accomplishment with an ice cold beer. I reflected on my process while working on this project, and I realized that I was able to formulate a system that worked for me. Here it is:

  1. Workout in the morning- Working out in the morning ensures that you are naturally awake and energized. When I still worked out at night, I was sluggish during the day. When I switched my schedule to early morning workouts, I saw a massive improvement in my stamina. I was able to have fresher ideas, and I was excited to work because of all the energy from my cardio workout.

  2. Sleep- I was able to cure my insomnia by working out in the morning. With sufficient sleep, I was able to work on my project for hours on end, without feeling burnout or fatigue.

  3. Write an outline- If you are working on a text-based project such as mine, an outline will serve as your working framework. Set aside time for each part of your outline, then plot your timeframes within your schedule. I kept my deadlines for my project on my planner, and I am happy to share that I was able to finish ahead of schedule.

  4. Reward yourself with your favorite drink- I drank beer for every completed part of my outline. My favorite beverage motivated me to work smarter and finish my project!

My project has been turned over today to a professional for assessment. I look forward to seeing my project in its polished form, and I hope to share it with you soon!

I will surely keep you all posted!

Lacey Scarf

I recently finished crocheting this lacey scarf. I followed the Crochet Easy Shawl pattern by GG Crochet. I used fine cotton yarn by Miss Crochet a Lot, and a 4.5mm hook.

This was a therapeutic project over the second Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) period. Having a rise in the Covid-19 patients in my country has been a source of anxiety, so this project helped me stay calm and on track. It also inspired me to stay focused as the pattern is only a two-row repeat.


This simple yet beautiful pattern inspired me to do more during this difficult period. I joined webinars again to educate myself, and it reminded me of how much I love learning. It has also cleared my mind from the difficult news stories at the moment. I focused on the hypnotic pattern, and it kept me going until I finished the scarf.


If you are also feeling down at times, find fulfillment in the hobbies that keep you sane. Focus on what you can do and don’t feel discouraged by factors beyond your control. If you also crochet, just keep on hooking!

Let us all create a better present by being present. God bless us all!