Life is Too Short

Today, I finished reading Wake Up, Dreamers by Filipina author AnakniRizal. I first discovered her on Youtube, and instantly became hooked on her vlogs. I enjoy watching her videos because she teaches writing. As someone who is currently in the process of self-publishing my book, I am really inspired by her techniques.

She teaches systems the she has personally tried and tested, and her success speaks for itself. And after reading two of her novels, I have observed that she inserts inspirational and motivational content in her works. Even though I am turning 35 in a few days, I still feel young after reading her books.

Here are some of the lessons that I have learned from reading So, This is Youth and Wake Up, Dreamers by AnakniRizal:

  1. Life is too short

  2. Life is full of possibilities

  3. Education does not end upon graduation

  4. Age is just a number. It is never too late to make things happen for you

  5. Always believe in yourself even if no one else believes in you

  6. Success is following your heart and taking action on your dreams

Please buy Wake Up, Dreamers here and access So, This is Youth here! You will definitely learn a thing or two from these novels and support an up and coming author in the process.

Happy reading!