Finish Line

I recently completed an important project, and it felt fantastic. I celebrated this accomplishment with an ice cold beer. I reflected on my process while working on this project, and I realized that I was able to formulate a system that worked for me. Here it is:

  1. Workout in the morning- Working out in the morning ensures that you are naturally awake and energized. When I still worked out at night, I was sluggish during the day. When I switched my schedule to early morning workouts, I saw a massive improvement in my stamina. I was able to have fresher ideas, and I was excited to work because of all the energy from my cardio workout.

  2. Sleep- I was able to cure my insomnia by working out in the morning. With sufficient sleep, I was able to work on my project for hours on end, without feeling burnout or fatigue.

  3. Write an outline- If you are working on a text-based project such as mine, an outline will serve as your working framework. Set aside time for each part of your outline, then plot your timeframes within your schedule. I kept my deadlines for my project on my planner, and I am happy to share that I was able to finish ahead of schedule.

  4. Reward yourself with your favorite drink- I drank beer for every completed part of my outline. My favorite beverage motivated me to work smarter and finish my project!

My project has been turned over today to a professional for assessment. I look forward to seeing my project in its polished form, and I hope to share it with you soon!

I will surely keep you all posted!