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I had my car battery replaced yesterday. It gave me peace of mind to know that my car won’t break down anytime soon. I am still grateful to be able to drive home last Saturday. Now that my car has a fresh battery, my faith in God has been reinforced because I was able to reach my residence despite having a dead battery. 


To celebrate, I had merienda at Embrace Cafe, which is near my house. I walked to the cafe for some good vibes. 


I was not disappointed! I got myself a yummy cup of chilled taho.  


And I grabbed their coffee jelly to-go. It was delicious and great value for money.  


The finest restorations of faith don’t have to be entirely grand. It could be a drive back home, or a cold cup of coffee jelly. To still be able to thrive without work and with limited resources is a miracle in itself. With a stable job soon, I know that life can just keep getting better.