Embroidery Day 4

I recently made my third embroidery piece as The Craft Central’s pattern tester for their Daisies kit. I enjoyed this project, and I even learned some life lessons along the way.

Here were the lessons that I have uncovered while learning embroidery:

  1. It is okay to be a beginner at something new.

  2. Learning a new skill grows our mindset and improves our adaptability.

  3. Starting something new as an adult teaches humility.

  4. Finishing a project gives satisfaction and joy, especially during the global pandemic.

So, if you think that you need some time away from your gadgets, I highly recommend embroidery! Visit The Craft Central to browse their embroidery kits. Stitch tutorials can be found on YouTube! This is a skill that will help you relax as you expand your mind.

Enjoy embroidery!