Finding You

I recently read Finding You by Elaine Marie Factor. It is the author’s memoir on her journey inside the convent, and her realizations about her discernment, faith, and her goals in life.

I knew that it was an insightful read, but I was not expecting myself to relate with the author’s struggles inside the convent. This book gave me the satisfaction of knowing that I made the right decision to follow my heart and pursue dating in the hopes of entering married life. Elaine candidly described enjoying the camaraderie with her fellow aspiring nuns yet she struggled with her health issues. She also felt like she could do more outside the convent.

Her realizations were beautifully written, and her heartbreaking loneliness inside one of the holiest places to be in was palpable. I found myself rooting for her whenever she experienced small wins and when she finally made the decision that would dictate the course of her life.

I highly recommend this to any woman who has ever considered entering the convent, and to those who would like to know how it is like to be inside one. This book will teach you about faith, self-love, and fulfilling your goals. Buy it here to also find yourself and be blessed!