Eat That Frog!

I recently finished reading Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy. I wanted to learn more on project management now that I am self-publishing my first book. I was not disappointed as this book was packed with practical tips on how to accomplish more goals.

Time management and planning were the key aspects taught in this book. The frog refers to the unpleasant tasks that weigh us down, causing us to procrastinate. Instead of wasting time, the author dares us to tackle that unpleasant task first before finishing the other tasks on our list. If that task cannot be done within the day, he recommended breaking it down to steps so that we get to accomplish it bit by bit. It was refreshing how unpleasant tasks were presented as doable, actionable goals.

At the end of every chapter, there were guide questions pertaining to goal setting, ideation, and writing down the concrete steps needed for us to tackle the frogs in our life. I answered these guide questions myself, and I learned that self-publishing was more doable than I thought, at least as far as the things beyond my control were concerned. I just have to be more patient when it comes to the factors on the publisher’s side, which are delayed due to the pandemic.

I highly recommend this book as it helps you finish your tasks so that you can accomplish more and move on to other areas of improvement. Buy it here and learn more on how you can finally eat that frog!