The Philippines is Not a Small Country

Every once in a while, a piece of art will stun and prod you to think about your country and its social conditions. In my case, it was the book The Philippines is Not a Small Country by Gideon Lasco.

The Palanca-award winning essayist, MD, and anthropologist has written an engaging collection of articles mostly derived from his Philippine Daily Inquirer column. His topics range from health, travel, music, video games, food, and more. What kept me reading was his delightful and vivid writing. There were some points raised in his book wherein I would agree to disagree with the author, but I still remained glued to the book because I simply found myself beaming with pride. The author has successfully highlighted key points in our history, geography, biodiversity, and culture to support his titular claim that the Philippines is indeed not a small country.

My favorite part of the book was when the author reflected on death and how we as a people approach mortality. This fragile topic is still largely taboo in our society, yet it still underscores our family ties. We practice pakikisama until our last breath. In a country which we ourselves mistakenly perceive as small, death is a huge event that is quietly observed yet audaciously taken for granted.

I recommend this book not only for its ability to restore national pride, but also because it is an enjoyable read which can transport the reader across the archipelago whilst on lockdown. With more free time at our disposal, we could use some patriotism and critical thinking to sustain us during the pandemic and beyond.

Buy The Philippines is Not a Small Country here today! I hope you will appreciate it for its capacity to inspire every Filipino to serve our country.