Things Within My Control

Today, I watched Rica Peralejo-Bonifacio’s vlog episode on forgiveness. She shared some very important thoughts:

  • There are things that you cannot control

  • There are some things that are still within your control

  • God has control over everything

These are timely reminders for me as I am currently working on my temper. I have already trained myself to identify the fine line between triggers and actual manifestations of anger. Yes, there are several things that are upsetting and inconvenient each day, but that does not mean that I should act negatively each time. I can remind myself that there are still things within my control, and that I should focus on those instead.

Life is too short to dwell on upsetting realities. There are still more things to be thankful for than the bad. By focusing on things that are within my control and remembering that God has control over everything in this world, life would be less burdensome and treacherous.