Not Everyone Will Be Happy for You

Today, I am reflecting on the quote that podcaster and entrepreneur Angely Dub always says on her show, Life in Progress: “not everyone will be happy for you.”

I have experienced this firsthand, when my friends would ask how a company would invite me to an event or offer me an opportunity to collaborate when I do not seem to be qualified. In fact, I had to severe ties with some people who were not supportive of me, especially during the pandemic. My circle may now be smaller, but I must say that I am more stable and at peace without these toxic people in my life.

If you are also dealing with people who constantly pull you down, I suggest that you block them out completely. You must prioritize your mental health. You need to perform psychological first-aid on yourself, so stick to people who lift you up and bring out the best in you!

Next, always ensure that you constantly work on yourself. Make sure that you are always doing your best to have the best life possible for yourself. Compete only against yourself.

Remember that in order to be happy with yourself, you have to be find joy in things that you can do and accomplish. Stop communicating with people who cannot be happy for you. Just be strong for your own self!