Killing ANTS

Today, my Spark Your Magic workbook tackled ANTS or Automatic Negative Thoughts. Their prescribed method for lessening negative self-talk is Jim Kwik’s ABRA or Acknowledge, Breathe, Release, and Align.

Here’s my ABRAcadabra list:

  • A is for ACKNOWLEDGE

    “Acknowledge your negative self-talk and don’t fight it because what you resist, persists. What are your ANTS today? Scribble them below.”

    1. Fear of being rejected

    2. Fear of being alone

    3. Anxiety because my contemporaries are getting married, having children, etc.

  • B is for BREATHE

    “Controlled breathing offers many health benefits, including reducing stress. Breathe in what you want. Jot down the things you “inhaled”.”

    1. A stable job

    2. More opportunities for my website

    3. More books (such as apop books!)

    4. More coffee

    5. A lifetime with my partner in life

    6. More crochet projects

    7. An afternoon at a coffee shop, such as Cinema ‘76 Cafe (a big deal during the pandemic)

    8. Mini Estela or Aadi bag from DBS

  • R is for RELEASE

    “Breathe out what you do not want. What did you exhale? List the things you want to let go.”

    1. Anxiety about weight gain

    2. Cabin fever

    3. Mood swings

    4. Unnecessary arguments with my loved ones, such as my partner

    5. My temper

    6. Angst

    7. Anxiety about jobhunting

    8. Negative relatives

    9. Negative “friends”

    10. Ungratefulness

  • A is for ALIGN

    “Create new thoughts and beliefs that are more aligned with who you really are and what you really want. Write them down here.”

    1. I have full control over my emotions

    2. I can thrive with or without a corporate job.

    3. I am fit and healthy

    4. I have enough time and passion to pursue my interests

    5. I am a writer and I am lucky because I have my own website

    6. I have a supportive partner

With my new ABRA strategy, I can manage my ANTS and improve myself during this pandemic and beyond!