The Craft of Writing Exercise 4

You should have ordered another beer. So what if people judge you for drinking when you know that you do so in moderation? So what if you laugh out loud and wear the clothes that make you feel pretty? So what if you have better things than your cousins? So what if your Titas think that you should be married by now or that you should wear nail polish and makeup? What you do is none of their business. Stop overthinking. You are already too tired as it is. Someday, there will be a time when a pandemic will force you to stay home and do everything at home. You will have less work but more time for your music, crafts, and writing. Write your books. Post your song covers. Send your gifts to frontliners. Give blood, then get your piercing and tattoos. You should live life with no regrets.

As you know, cancer runs in the family. While your recent checkup has confirmed that you are in your best health condition so far, you should live life to the fullest because it is still too short. Workout like you always do. Eat healthy and lessen those street food binges. Have a beer, but eat a salad too. It’s all about balance.

Your life is your own. Do not listen to people who limit your beliefs. Nothing’s gonna change your world. And since you enjoyed writing your last book, why don’t you write another one? Your story is still being written. Now go drink that beer. Cheers!