Limitless Entrepreneur Day 1

I am currently taking Melyssa Griffin’s Limitless Entrepreneur Retreat online. It’s day 1 for me, and I am excited to go on this learning journey whilst on quarantine. I will be sharing my progress here on my blog because I believe that sharing my vulnerability and areas of improvement can help others too.


I have a Human Nature online store (please support! We deliver during the Enhanced Community Quarantine!) that I operate from home. Aside from that, my motivation for completing this retreat is to get to know myself better and have a more entrepreneurial mindset. I strongly believe that this mindset will enable me to thrive better in a post-pandemic world.

Here are my answers to the journaling questions that Melyssa asked prior to joining the retreat:

1. What attachments do you have in your life that you are noticing more than usual? This could include your relationship with money, time, stability, certainty, routines, and relationships with people around you.

  • Dependence on routine

  • My relationship with scarcity as we live in a world with finite resources

  • My attitude towards pain and loss

  • My uncertainty about the future

2. What stories have you created around those attachments? Are you attached to money, and therefore fearful of spending? Are you attached to your role as a parent, and finding it hard to allow yourself to work with your kids home from school? Are you attached to your daily routine, and therefore feeling uprooted as things are changing quickly?

  • I am still living on a schedule to maximize my productivity

  • I am scared to spend money

  • I find it difficult to appreciate some blessings that I have because of the thinking that all of this will eventually disappear

  • Grief, which persists amidst this pandemic

  • I try to create small wins whilst at home to have some certainty during the present (ex. I make earsavers for our frontliners)

3. When you think of the story you have created from this attachment (for example, "I feel like I no longer have control over my schedule"), where do you feel it in your body? (It’s common to feel this in your chest or stomach area.)

  • I feel it in my chest.

    • There is a certain heaviness that I feel whenever I process how uncertain the future or my schedule will be in the world we live in.

4. What is a more empowering way you could reframe this story? For example, if your story says, "money is going to be hard to make right now, and I’m going to suffer because of it," perhaps you could reframe it to, "I’m being gifted an opportunity to think of creative, money-making ideas that I otherwise wouldn’t have thought of."Or "I’m always amazed by how money finds its way to me -- I’m a magnet for money!"

  • “I am being given all this time to help our frontliners by crocheting earsavers for them. By scheduling my crafting routine, I get to make earsavers while enjoying the things I love, such as watching movies, webinars, and listening to podcasts. I also improve my communication skills by coordinating with my team members at Earsavers for Lifesavers PH and chatting with frontliners online. I also ensure that my quarantine story is being shared in real time via my blog,”

5. What does it look like for you to embody this new belief? What do you need to release?

  • It feels refreshing as it is a totally new way of reframing the quarantine for me.

6. What’s possible for you and your business now that you have adapted and embodied this new belief?

  • It is possible to thrive in a pandemic because communication and self-determination are still possible while staying healthy and safe at home.