Zumba and Breakfast


It is no secret that I enjoy my daily workouts. I religiously exercise each morning because it helps balance all my systems, especially since my hypothyroidism tends to put everything off-sync in the absence of physical activity. I have also noticed that exercise works wonders for my mental health. I feel better about myself after compeleting a workout, and my mood throughout the day is more consistent. It is the endorphin rush that keeps me going and happy. Because I workout first thing in the morning, it is essential that I have a hearty breakfast. Now that I am unemployed, my default brekkie are two pieces of pandesal and peanut butter. However, I felt extra hungry earlier because our instructor switched things up with more taebo. As a result, I craved for toasted naked longganisa, brown rice, and egg. I rushed to Breakfast Bin the minute my workout wrapped up. I had my longganisa fix and it was utterly satisfying.

I have realized that depriving myself is never a good idea. Even if I am currently on a tight budget, an occasional meal to satisfy my cravings would not hurt and it makes all the Zumba moves worth it. Breakfast also regulates my metabolism, which is a big deal with hypothyroidism. I get full and I also balance my health with a nutritious post-workout breakfast.